Harold IS active members within their communities, where they do business, raise their families and enjoy all the great amenities that the Greater Ottawa Area has to offer.
You may not always recognize them, but they are there contributing, are proud to participate in the many wonderful events within the community.
Every event supports a great cause, whether it is a local food bank, Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer awareness, youth organizations, refugee sponsorship programs, or Adopt a Family program; they do their part!
You Are Loved Golf Tournament
Harold and Elinor are pleased to support this new event which raises awareness and funds to help boys overcome being abused and abandoned, in hopes they reach their full potential in life. This year's event was held Sunday June 19th at Irish Hills Golf and Country Club. Elinor's family foursome won. "It was great to get out and play a round of golf with my family. What a great day...and not just because we won" said Elinor.
Ride For Dad
The ride for dad is held every year in June with approx 2000 to 2500 bikes in the parade. There were many couples riding, as were many prostrate cancer survivors. With hundreds of volunteers, the support of the fire department, the local police forces, Levi Home Hardware in Almonte, Kemptville Municipal Centre, and many more the total manpower involved was in the thousands.
$417,000 was raised to fight prostrate cancer by these 2350 bikers, adding to the already $7,000,000 raised over the past 10 years. We are pleased to announce that Harold and Elinor, raised $1145 for the cause that year. A special thanks to all who contributed.
Yard Sale for the Cure
70 RE/MAX offices across the country exceeded the organizers’ expectations, and raised close to $200,000.00 (two hundred thousand dollars) for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation during the May 28th Yard Sale for the Cure.Harold and Elinor at RE/MAX were pleased to donate $1,000 to the local hospital Digital Mammography Campaign (half of the funds raised by the 2 offices during the sale). They also wish to extend a very warm “thank you” for all the support that was shown for this worthwhile cause – by people making donations for the sale, purchasing, and generally helping out during the sale. Way to go everyone!